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Thursday, December 1, 2011

DXperience 11.2.5

It's time to experience 11.2        

After more than 30 releases in 180 countries, the next big thing for developers is here. We call it DXv2. Continuing the bridge from your technology position to where you want to be and taking a bold step into the future. DXperience 11.2 is the first instance of the DXv2 wave.

After more than 30 releases in 180 countries, the next big thing for developers is here. We call it DXv2. Continuing the bridge from your technology position to where you want to be and taking a bold step into the
Bring your software to life with intelligent touch-based applications. Use your existing development skills to tap into the growing demand for stunning tablet & touch-enabled apps across all platforms, including WinForms, WPF and ASP.NET. Build for today as you begin to re-imagine business applications for the Windows 8 Metro design aesthetic. DXv2 delivers the gestures, themes, and controls to put Touch within your reach, right now.
Visually Stunning
Today’s customers want smart, beautiful apps in every part of their lives, from work to home. Now, with the tools from DevExpress, you can build them better than ever. Apply sophisticated themes, create your own, and even integrate your corporate brand. Incorporate elegant office-inspired or business intelligence dashboard controls into your design so your users can view and manipulate data in more insightful and compelling ways. And do it all on the platforms you know best. DXv2 delivers the tools you need to inspire and be inspired by application design.
Productivity + Creativity
Never sacrifice one for the other again. CodeRush helps you build and manage your complex code base allowing more time to focus on your business logic. Fewer keystrokes and clicks on the way to quickly building gorgeous, high-performance apps. The eXpressApp Framework (XAF) delivers a powerful, modular application framework that helps you bring robust enterprise applications to market, faster. These are the developer tools you expect from the company you know and trust. This is DXv2—designed to help you use your time, skills, and creativity for what truly matters.
Your free trial of the Enterprise Subscription
Named the Best Software Development Tool by judges at the 2011 TechEd Conference, this 30-day free trial includes over 300 individual controls, libraries, and extensions.


  1. jamunya udah d coba belum gan...??? rada2 males nginstalnya kalo blum ad yang review :P

  2. stlh install dan patch, ane coba ubah tanggal +31 pada pc dari tanggal install, hasilnya saat vistu2008 ane buka ada pesan expired plug-in. apakah jamunya kurang manjur?

  3. ane pake lancar jaya aja gan...mau ditambahin harinya juga ga masalah, ane udah install di client juga ga masalah..TOP BGT


  4. Ane coba; setup -> modify -> idetools(exclude rushcode, exclude refactor!pro), lanjut setup. Hasilnya pada vistu2008 tidak ada pesan expired plug-in, semua lancar, meski sudah lewat masa trial. Thanks

  5. Dxperience 2011.2.5 Universal Installer

    barangkali ada yg belom punya...

  6. Saya sudah coba cracknya, tapi kadang2 kok masih keluar nag screen ya? Bukan expired sih cuma nag screen trial.
    Ada solusi atau mungkin panduan jelasnya?

  7. dimana ini linknya?

  8. link installer di komen nomor lima...
    jamunya ada di komen nomor tiga...
    baca ngapa...

  9. Punya hot fix 11.2.5 ga? soalnya ada bug yang ganggu banget khususnya untuk XAF. baca di support center nya katanya sih hot fix nya udah di rilis.

  10. Cracknya File Is Missing... Ada Link Lain gak??

  11. hot fix untuk universal installer belum di rilis..

    jamunya ada kok gan, barusan ane download lancar jaya aja.... maknyoss lagi...

  12. @puso,
    kalo diperiksa dari version checker link diatas itu masih versi
    sementara di support center devexpress udah ada yang komplain soal

  13. membantu skali buat di perkuliahan saya nih... :D
    makasih sharenya agan" :D


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