
Please do not post links crack / patch in your comment

Saturday, November 3, 2012

DevExpress 2012.1.8

Dazzling Design. Developer Delivered.
Beautiful design and rich user experiences are moving to the center of the development conversation. Your existing applications now must run on an array of mobile devices, like iPads, slates and mobile phones. Building applications designed for the device they’ll run on requires more focus than ever on great design principles. Apply sophisticated themes or create your own. Incorporate elegant Office- inspired or Windows 8 Metro-inspired controls into your design so your users can view and manipulate data in more insightful and compelling ways. And do it all on the platforms you know best. The design time visualization and Touch-enabled tools in DXperience 12.1 by DevExpress help you realize your vision.
Building solutions across the Web and mobile devices is made simple with stunning built-in application templates. Our sample applications, created in partnership with the DevExpress team of professional designers, are like having your own design agency in the box. Now, with the tools from DevExpress, you can build stunning applications better than ever. DXv2 delivers the tools you need to inspire and be inspired by application design.
Our positions on
Right Platform. Right Design. Right Decision.
Building a modern business application starts by choosing the platform optimized for your target solution. With DXperienece 12.1 we’ve expanded the number of platforms that you can target and we help you get ready for the next wave of application development. We’ve made all of the tough design decisions for you. All of that makes your decision to partner with DevExpress a right decision.
Bridging Your Investments to Windows 8 Metro
One of the most exciting developments for end users and developers alike is the new Windows 8 Metro environment. This environment enables end users to quickly see critical information at a glance, dynamically displayed within the new “tile” design metaphor that also launches the app. While the mouse and keyboard are supported for the classic view, the new Metro design is very focused on enabling touch as the primary input mechanism for consumers. Tools in DXperience 12.1 provide the bridge from your existing investments in Windows Forms, ASP.NET, WPF and Silverlight to future platforms like Windows Metro.
Bridging Your Investments to iOS
The focus of Apple’s iPad and iPhone platform to business developers has never been more important than it is in today’s environment. Enabling remote workers access to critical business applications on an iPad is one of the most common requests we’re hearing from our customers. But this new platform also brings challenges. How do you build compelling applications for iOS with the skills you have today? How do you implement a new mobile strategy with a fixed set of resources. More than ever developers are looking to 3rd party tools like DXperience 12.1 to help them accomplish these tasks. Today.
DevExpress - iOS Support
Touch-enabled application development requires developers to re-think the future of application design and user experiences. Whether you’re a Windows Forms developer building client applications or a Web developer building for mobile platforms, DXperience 12.1 helps you take on these new challenges using your existing skills and tools.
One great example of touch support is the new touch supported docking panels in DXperience 12.1. With these controls, developers can build solutions that work across mobile platforms as well as traditional web environments. All of the tools and components in the DXperience 12.1 Enterprise suite are ready to support the next generation of Touch applications, across Windows Forms, ASP.NET, WPF and Silverlight.
Quality Code. Smaller Apps. Tested.
Building great user experiences requires attention to every detail and an integrated testing plan. When combining a testing framework with 3rd party controls, you want to avoid low-level testing that simply records mouse movements in pixel coordinates. There are so many things that can go wrong in this scenario – a control has moved to a new position, a new item has been added to the list, and so on. We’ve introduced Coded UI support in our controls and in concert with Microsoft’s Test Manager, you can now automate your user experience testing.
DXperience 12.1 - Touch Support

Your free trial of the Enterprise Subscription
Named the Best Software Development Tool by judges at the 2011 TechEd Conference, this 30-day free trial includes over 300 individual controls, libraries, and extensions.

What's New in DXperience v2012 vol 1.8


  1. Setup Universal :

  2. Pacth RegisterAddin :


  3. Help file for vs 2010/2012 still old help :

  4. Patch Addin:

  5. Gan, DXperienceHelp2008 ada gak ya?

  6. I have a problem with RegisterAddin. It can be work only with
    .net 4.0. In this case i have to upgrade my older programs from .net 3.5 to 4.0? I don't want to do it :)
    Is any solution to solve this problem?
    With previous version of RegisterAddin i did not have this problem.

    Thx for the answers.

    (pls answ. only in English)

    1. you just install net 4 only, and older programs you still use version net3.5

  7. Thanks a lot people on the cracks and the addons.

  8. thanks for components. Reviewing WPF note that I said that already expired my evaluation period, someone could tell me how to remove these dialogues, or if it is a problem of crack. not occur in winforms components or asp. net

    1. Check your project directory and delete
      App_Licenses.dll in bin folder.

  9. siang bang sofyan, mau tanya dong.

    ini DevExpress support untuk yang VS2008 gak?

    dan saya pake XP jadi .Net 3.5 , apa bisa pake patch register addinnya?

  10. ga bisa pake visual studio 2005 ya gan?
    trus link yg sy telusuri di blog ini devexpress yg masih support vs 2005 nya dah ga not found. :(

  11. ga bisa pake visual studio 2005 ya gan?
    trus link yg sy telusuri di blog ini devexpress yg masih support vs 2005 nya dah ga bisa alias --> not found. :(

    1. ini gan (Bulan Februari 2012), lihat comment paling bawah, ada link dari mediafire , yang satu Setup dan satunya Jamunya

  12. Gan masih ada yg punya file DevExpressRegSetup_v11.1.xxR1 ? tunjukan dong link nya kumohon. :(
    jika file nya di password, sekalian dengan passwordnya ya. Makasih sebelumnya.

  13. bang pono, nih eror addin nya, saya pake vs2010
    eror nya di file licenses.licx
    begini tulisan nye
    DXAddin.Connect, DXAddin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1bade7d244b1b328
    paan tuh bang pono?

    1. Hapus saja isi file licenses.licx-nya, nanti juga terbentuk lagi...

    2. masih juga error bang
      gini error nye bang di vs
      'Could not load file or assembly 'DXAddin, Version=, Culture=neutral,
      PublicKeyToken=1bade7d244b1b328' or one of its dependencies.
      This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.'
      thx bang respon nya

    3. kalo errornya seperti itu, berarti masih belom kehapus gan isi file license.licx-nya... masih pakai versi lama tuh,
      kalau pernah pakai crack lama, hapus dulu yang lama, baru install yang baru, terus ga bisa jalanin di 2 versi DevExpress

    4. oke, paham bang, tengkyu bang respon nya :D

  14. permisi gan...

    tadi abis cek websitenya devexpress..

    yg agan sahre linknya ini devexperience aj ato yg universal aja ya gan..??



    1. coba drag gridControl ke dalam form, kemudian klik kanan gridcontrol tersebut pilih About... disitu akan tertera apakah masih trial ape belom..lagian begitu ente drag ke dalam form kalo masih trial akan muncul nag screen...

  16. om admin, devexpress 12.2 udh nongol tuh.. ayo update lagi..

    1. untung ente ingetin, kalo ga, asik aje tuh si agan sama side jobnye..hehehehe piss ahh

  17. bisa bantu gan? saya hapus file file license.licx-nya, malah gak isa compile aplikasi saya, katanya file license tdk ditemukn...
    kalau dikemblikn, muncul error ini lgi..
    tlg bantuannya gan.. pusing.. +.+

    'Could not load file or assembly 'DXAddin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1bade7d244b1b328' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.


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