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Friday, January 25, 2013

InstallShield LE For Visual Studio 2012

InstallShield 2012 Spring Express Edition Free Trial
How the World Builds MSI Installers and App-V Packages for Windows Applications

For over 20 years, InstallShield has been the gold standard for building Windows software installations, used by virtually every major software company in the world. More software developers trust InstallShield to give their software a flawless localized software installation experience, keeping their end users happy and support costs down.

Banyak rekan-rekan yang telah mencoba Visual Studio 2012 menanyakan "Setup and Development" pada VS 2012, memang pada versi ini VS 2012 tidak menyertakannya, tapi diganti dengan InstallShield LE , lalau bagaimana kita mendapatkannya ?

Anda bisa mendapatkannya secara "Gratis" atau "Free" di situs flexerasoftware.

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